Featuring the EN096 Spring 2019 Class!


Reading and Writing Process

Four Major Essays


Click on the following links to view more information on writing effective essays:

Expository (Informative) Essays:

Expository Essay Topics: http://712educators.about.com/od/essaysparagraphspapers/a/gen_expository.htm

Address the quality of your work in meeting the following:

1. Full and active attendance
2. Preparation and participation
3. Completion of course requirements
4. Growth in understanding of course content

Given your assessment of your work, what grade do you believe you deserve for this course?

Monday, 19 February 2018

EN096 Composition Practice Topics

1. Discuss a political, environmental, cultural, or social challenge that our island is currently facing. Support your choice.

2. We must make decisions every day. Some decisions are harder to make than others. Describe and support a decision you made that may have, or did change your life.

3. Is it an advantage or a disadvantage to have a job while attending college? Discuss your position.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Introducing the EN096-01 Class of Spring 2018!

Reading Assessment

Visit https://readtheory.org.

Day 1 Assessment

Directions:  Respond to only ONE of the following prompts.  You will be graded on organization, clarity, grammatical correctness, and spelling.  You will have 40 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.  Do not waste time rewriting your essay.  Write a complete draft and then go back and revise.  Use your time wisely.

1.  In your opinion, what is one (1) skill or character trait that is essential for college success?  Use specific examples and reasons to support your answer.

2.  The Guam Community College recognizes writing as crucial to academic and professional success.  Do you agree with this view on the importance of writing?  Use specific examples and reasons to support your answer.

3.  The saying, "If you have nothing nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all," teaches us the etiquette of politeness and consideration of others' feelings.  However, there are those who believe that the truth is necessary to maintain healthy relationships.  Is telling the truth more important than sparing someone's feelings?  Use specific examples and reasons to support your answer.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Web-based Reading

Visit https://www.getepic.com/educators.

Visit http://www.childrenslibrary.org.

Visit http://www.premierathome.com/Library/E-library.htm.

Visit http://www.gutenberg.org.

Visit https://americanliterature.com.

Visit https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go.

Vocabulary Practice

Visit http://www.vocabulary.co.il.

Visit http://www.vocabulary.co.il/synonyms.

Visit http://www.vocabulary.co.il/root-words.

Visit http://www.vocabulary.co.il/homophones.

Visit this link to complete the vocabulary building activity: http://mnrivera1.com/EN100W_Vocabulary_Building_Online_Activity.pdf